General information
The Workshop Proceedings will be published in the Special Issue of Artificial Satellites, Journal of Planetary Geodesy. It is an open access journal managed by CBK PAN, which deals mainly with topics related to geodesy and geodynamics. All accepted papers are published online free of charge on the website of the Publisher (Sciendo).
Special Issue Editors
- Prof. Jolanta Nastula (Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland)
- Dr. Henryk Dobslaw (GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany)
- Dr. Małgorzata Wińska (Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland)
Details and requirements
We invite all contributions related to determinations, analyses, and predictions of EOP, as well as discussions on methods and reference data for EOP prediction validation.
Each paper submitted will undergo a review process.
Manuscripts should be prepared in a journal MsWord or LaTeX template and should be no more than 15 pages long.
To submit a paper, please use Editorial Manager. While selecting Article Type, please use „2nd EOP PCC”.
The paper submission deadline is June 20, 2022.
Additional information
More information about the Special Issue can be found here.
Detailed instructions for authors can be found here.