The EOP PCC Office (CBK PAN), in cooperation with GFZ in Potsdam, plans to organize virtual 2nd EOP PCC Workshop. The aim of the meeting is to present status of the campaign and to get feedback from participants and members of the IERS Working Group on the 2nd EOP PCC.
The workshop will consist of a mix of presentations given by members of the EOP PCC Office, campaign participants and members of the Working Group. We encourage EOP PCC participants to give a brief presentation about their prediction methods and outcomes or results of recent investigations related to the topic. Additional open session for other topics is also planned together with closing session with discussion, questions and suggestions from participants and members of the Working Group. Participants will also have the opportunity to publish their works in workshop proceedings. More details will be available soon.
2nd EOP PCC Workshop is planned on 15th and 16th February 2022 with two time blocks in each day: 8:00 – 10:00 CET and 17:00 – 19:00 CET.
Workshop will be held online via WebEx.
Workshop programme
The Workshop programme can be found here.
Participants registration
Participants willing to attend the Workshop need to register by completing the registration form on the EOP PCC webpage in 2nd EOP PCC Workshop panel (on the left side of the page). Registration will be available from 13th December 2021 to 14th February 2022. The individual invitations to the meeting will be send only to registered email addresses from 1st February 2022.
Abstract submission
The EOP PCC office kindly asks to submit abstracts of the presentations using the registration form. This will help us organize and properly plan the Workshop.
The abstract submission deadline is 28 January 2022.
Following information should be included in the abstract: title of presentation, author(s), affiliation(s) of author(s), and abstract text. Your abstract body should have 100–500 words. Please do not include figures and equations in the abstract text. Abstract can be submitted via registration form by main author. In individual cases abstracts might be also submitted by email. PDF format is recommended for submitted abstracts. Each author can submit more than one abstract.
Abstract submission will be available from 13th December 2021 with registration form on the webpage in 2nd EOP PCC Workshop panel (on the left side of the page).
Programme of the Workshop with submitted abstracts will be available in February 2022.
Important information for presenters
The length of presentation is 15 min (plus 5 min for questions).
We recommend presenters to send presentation slides to the EOP PCC office ( in .pptx or .pdf format no later than the day before the presentation. We will allow authors to share the screen, but in the event of technical problems, the office will be able to display previously received slides. The WebEX will be open 30 minutes before the meeting starts so that you can test the connection.
We plan to record the sessions to make the talks accessible also to those participants, who cannot take part in the live meeting. If you do not want your oral presentation to be recorded, please let the convenors know right before your presentation and we will stop the recording.
Data protection
Contact data of 2nd EOP PCC Workshop participants, i.e. names and email addresses will be used only by EOP PCC Office to organize the 2nd EOP PCC Workshop and will not be publicly available or shared with third parties.
Meeting recordings
The meeting recordings can be found under this link.
Workshop proceedings
Detailed information about proceedings and instructions for authors can be found here and here.