The Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences (CBK PAN) in Warsaw (Poland) invites you to participate in the pre-operational phase of the Second Earth Orientation Parameters Prediction Comparison Campaign (2nd EOP PCC), which will start on June 7, 2021. During that phase, we would like to encourage you to submit your predictions as it will be the case in the real campaign, however we will only focus on formal issues (data formats, timeliness of submissions, file name conventions, etc.), not on the predicted values themselves. The purpose is to verify technical issues and confirm that Participants have not problems with registration and data submission. Prediction submitted during the pre-operational phase will not be validated during final evaluation.
The official start of the operational phase of the campaign is planned after the end of the pre-operational phase, which will be announced via IERS Message and the information on the EOP PCC webpage.
The 2nd EOP PCC is open to all. Predictions of each EOP (xP, yP pole coordinates, UT1-UTC universal time, ΔLOD length of day, dX, dY or dψ, dε, precession–nutation residuals) are welcome. New types of prediction methods might enter at any time during the course of the campaign. Valid predictions of all kinds of EOP will be collected once per week in an operational setting.
To take part in the pre-operational phase of the 2nd EOP PCC, each Participant should send an application to the EOP PCC Office using the registration form, which can be found here. Participants who register during the pre-operational phase of the campaign will not have to re-register during the official phase.
After successful registration, you will receive an ID number and individual account for uploading data. The instructions for data submission can be found here.
The EOP PCC Office imposes strict naming and file structure conventions. The detailed requirements for Participants regarding description of candidate registration, submission rules, and naming and file formats convention can be found in this document.
The submissions should be made always on Wednesday before 20 UTC. However, after registration, each participant will be able to send one test file on any day. In response, he will receive information whether the sent file meets the Office requirements. After approval by the Office, subsequent predictions should be sent every Wednesday before 20 UTC. If no reply is received within 96 hours, please write to the EOP PCC Office using contact form.
For further information, we refer to IERS webpage and we encourage you to follow our page for latest news.