The first Online Meeting of IERS Working Group on the 2nd Earth Orientation Parameter Prediction Comparison Campaign took place on May 6th, 2021 (18:00–20:00 CEST). The meeting had the following agenda:
1. Welcome and Scope of the Meeting
2. Outline of the EOP PCC and the IERS Working Group
3. Technical Preparations for the EOP PCC at CBK
4. First Ideas for the Scientific Assessment of EOP Predictions
5. Proposed Schedule of the EOP PCC
6. Questions, Discussion & Feedback
The EOP PCC Office would like to thanks for participation and the active discussion during the meeting!
Under the following link, you may find the slides, and the minutes of the meeting:
The first Online Meeting of IERS Working Group
For you further information, we refer to IERS webpage and we encourage to follow our page for latest news!